The following information is only a brief overview. For the exact words see the PECPR Regulations. A controller is a person who is the owner, lessee, sublessee, or bailee, or who is responsible for equipment covered by the regulations in a place of work. As a Controller you have the following duties. Duties related to InformationYou must hold the following information:
If this information is not available from the designer, manufacturer or supplier you must:
You must also ensure that the following information is readily accessible by any person, including an inspector, who wants to examine it:
Duties related to Accident NotificationWhere any event occurs in a place of work that:
Every controller must:
Duties related to OperationAs a Controller you must take all practicable steps to ensure that equipment-
Duties related to MaintenanceYou must ensure that equipment that has been:
In relation to a repair or alteration. You must ensure that
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October 2018
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